When it comes to textiles, Europe has a glorious past and a glorious present. Some of the history’s most important textile and fashion inventions took place in Europe and nowadays, some of the most celebrated manufactures, innovators and artists in the world are European.
Economic Impact
The textile sector is an important part of the European manufacturing industry, playing a crucial role in the economy and social well-being in many regions.
Clothes and accessories are a big part of the European production of clothing and textiles, followed by fabrics, industrial and technical textiles and home textiles.
Small and medium enterprises are at the core of the industry, representing 99% of the companies. The sector is mainly feminine, since women represent more than 70% of all employees in the sector.
When it comes to investment, the European Union market presents a perfect platform for foreign investors to invest in the textile and clothing sector.

An heterogeneous Industry
The textile and clothing (T &C) industry is a very heterogeneous and diverse industry, once it covers a wide range of important activities.
It includes transferring raw fiber into yarns and then yarns in to fabric and then finally uses the fabric to produce a wide range of finished products such as:
- Wool
- Geo-textiles
- Clothing
- Synthetic yarns using high-tech machines
- Bed linen
European Luxury
When we think about textiles quality and luxury manufacturers, we automatically think about Europe. European fabrics are associated with luxury when it comes to clothes and fashion, as well as when it comes to home textiles. A great part of the luxury bedding manufacturers are European. This is due to the European textile industry history and heritage.
The European luxury bedding manufacturers are known for always finding the best solutions and always choose the finest raw materials. Due to the major importance of this sector for Europe, manufacturers know that they have to keep up with the world’s demand and continue to guarantee the high quality they’re known for, so they can maintain their competitiveness with strong competitors like China.
In a globalised market with goods from all over the world available readily and cheaply, we are privileged to have in Europe master artisans carrying on with pride the legacy of their centuries-old crafts. It ‘s essential to maintain Europe’s impeccable reputation for high quality goods.
SEE ALSO: Reasons to choose luxury bedding
Portuguese Textiles
We can’t talk about European luxury bedding manufacturers without talking about Portugal. This country has currently one of the strongest textile industries in Europe and is known for its impressive craftsmanship and expertise in high-quality clothes and home textiles. In fact, worldwide “Made in Portugal” is a symbol of quality & reliability. It also means the product was made in an environment that is socially and ecologically responsible.
Portugal has about 6000 companies laboring in all sub-sectors of the textile and clothing industry, all well known for their flexibility, rapid response, know- how, talent and innovation.
The prediction is that the Portuguese textile industry continues to grow in dimension and quality. It’s expected that manufacturers continue improving their production techniques and expanding their brands abroad.
SEE ALSO: All you need to know about Portuguese textiles (and why is everyone talking about it)

Top producers of textiles and fashion goods in Europe
The top producers of textiles and fashion goods in Europe are: Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, UK, Belgium, Poland, Romania and Austria.
These countries produce clothes, carpets, home textiles, cellulosic fibers and technical textiles used in many sectors.
There is no doubt that the textile and clothing sector is a powerful manufacturing industry in Europe. One of the strengths of the industry is that each step of the production chain is present in European territory.
In the last years the number of companies and employment has increased and the future looks bright for European luxury textiles manufacturers.

Amalia Home Collection – European Luxury Bedding
Four generations of knowledge continually producing high quality bed linen.
Amalia Home Collection is a fourth-generation family business and it’s a culmination of almost 100 years of experience and heritage in the textile industry.
Our roots can be traced back several generations to the 1920’s, when some of the original mills of northern Portugal began to manufacture products that personified the European quality and the craftsmanship. Today, many of that same methods and techniques used for decades are combined with a modern innovation, resulting in a luxurious high-end product.
Our collections are all made in the Guimarães region of Portugal and are inspired by the Portuguese culture and its beautiful landscapes. From the coastline to the countryside, from the cobblestone streets to the rolling hills, from the rooms of a beautiful palace to the Atlantic ocean’s deep blue, each design brings a little piece of Portugal to your home.

Discover our luxury bedding collections in linen or 100% cotton. Our products are Egyptian Cotton™ certified. Find out more about our certifications and visit our USA store.
If you love quality, comfort, art and travels, if you like decoration and to transform your bedroom with unique and captivating pieces, if you are always willing to be inspired by beautiful new places and amazing stories, if you deeply treasure a good night´s sleep, then you will love Amalia!