Have you ever stopped to think about the origins of the thing you spend so much time with? This is where Amalia Home Collection shines as bed linens are our specialty. Here are five things you didn’t know about bedsheets.


Why do we call it Egyptian Cotton™?

The simple answer is that we have been using bed linens for almost 6000 years! 

Egyptian pharaohs were the first humans in recorded history to have their beds moved off the ground and placed on a raised surface. This is also the first instance of an actual bed that we have knowledge of.

Bed linens as we know them, therefore, evolved around this time and were highly appreciated by Egyptian upper classes. Their pristine whiteness was associated with purity, and some noblemen actually chose to be mummified in them. Facing the afterlife wrapped in your sheets adds serious respect to this commodity.

That is why to this day Egyptian Cotton™ is perhaps the finest raw material to make bed linens in the whole world.


Egyptian Cotton™ or Egyptian Cotton?

There is a reason we always add the trademark sign when we discuss Egyptian Cotton™. The nobility and rarity of this very fine material make it expensive and highly sought-after. This, of course, makes it a preferential target for dishonest brands and people who produce fake, lower quality, products. If you are looking for the real thing, make sure you look for the seal of authenticity.

Amalia Home Collection has passed all tests to receive this distinction. All of our products are proudly certified by OEKO-TEX and the Egyptian Cotton™ Gold Seal.


Bedsheet qualities that are actually flaws

You know how sometimes you see labels on food that doesn’t really mean anything? Like “gluten-free water”? Bedsheets have some of those too. “Wrinkle-free” or “easy-care” for example. There is no specification for what makes bed linens easy to take care of. If you buy quality bed linens, they will be easy to take care of and iron.

What these labels mean, more often than not, is that those sheets will have been treated with chemicals like formaldehyde resin. Instead, realize that some of these promises hide a dark secret. Namely, that it is a toxic product treated in a way that is impossible to wash out.


What is the proper way to dry your sheets?

Many of us are overfilling our dryers. You should keep your dryer half empty. It is not a dish-washing machine. When it is working, the fabrics are going to spin and jumble. If the dryer is full, fabrics won’t have the proper space to tumble and will start tangling against each other resulting in twisting.

If you have quality bedsheets, the fabric will have delicate, precious fibers that will give the sheets their soft texture. Twisting them hurts those fibers. So next time you dry your load of laundry, give your linens room to breathe!


How often should I change my sheets?

For hygiene and for the maintenance of the sheets themselves, you should change your sheets once a week. Surveys indicate that single people don’t do this but only change their sheets once or twice a month. Imagine if we only cleaned other daily items that often!


We hope you have a newfound appreciation with these surprising bedsheet facts. Please visit our website to shop for some quality bed linens of your own. Our expert craftsmen work with only the finest materials (including certified Egyptian Cotton™) and we deliver straight from the factory to your home.